sábado, 25 de novembro de 2017

Grid Resistor - Gamma

[EN] Third release of a series by Grid Resistor, releases featuring the other letters of the greek alphabet have been released at other labels, go find them all! Grid Resistor focuses on using field recordings of machines, weaving post-industrial ambient sounds. Best consumed with headphones. Photo by Jimmy Gunawan.

[PT] Terceira release da série de Grid Resistor, edições com as restantes letras do alfabeto grego podem ser encontradas noutras editoras. Grid Resistor foca-se no uso de gravações de campo de máquinas para criar um ambient pós industrial. Recomenda-se o uso de headphones. Fotografia de Jimmy Gunawan.

Download from archive.scene.org
Download from archive.org
Download from sonicsquirrel.net
Play from jamendo.com
Play from bandcamp.com
Play from soundcloud.com
Play from freemusicarchive.org

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